Sponsorship Opportunities
Platinum Sponsor - $2,500
Company name included in Title
Logo and title on all show promos including e-mails,
print, outdoor banners, FB, Radio and Web
Free Booth 10 x 10- Table, Chairs and Electricity
Name included in press release
Sponsors will be on registration page
60 second commercial every 3 hours at show
Thank you in weekly Portage Press 4 weeks after the
Promotion on slideshow
20 Free Tickets
Sponsors will be on all preshow and post show e-blasts
Gold Sponsor - $1,500
Fish on Outdoor Show Presented by ________
Logo included on outdoor and indoor signage
60 second commercial 1x per day
Promotion in slideshow
Thank you in weekly Portage Press for 4 weeks
Free Booth 10 x 10- Table, Chairs and Electricity
10 Free Tickets
Sponsors will be on all preshow and post show e-blasts
Silver Sponsor - $500
Table, chairs and electricity included
Promotion on slideshow
Thank you in weekly Portage Press e-blast
Free booth 10x10
5 tickets
Portage Chamber of Commerce - 219-762-3300 or
e-mail nsimpson@portageinchamber.com